A Simple Letter (newlfm.cls)
\documentclass[stdletter]{newlfm} \usepackage[british]{babel} \newlfmP{orderfromtodate,sigcenter,addrfromphone,addrfromemail} \nameto{Mrs Mabel Canary} \addrto{% 24 The Street\\ Some Village\\Some Town\\Noshire\\AB1 2YZ } \namefrom{Mr Big Head} \addrfrom{University of Somewhere\\Some City\\AB3 4YZ} \emailfrom{big.head@somewhere.ac.uk} \phonefrom{0123456789} \regarding{A sample letter} \begin{document} \greetto{Dear Mrs~Canary} \closeline{Yours sincerely} \cclist{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing} \encllist{Photocopy of something interesting\\ Photocopy of something rather dull} \psitem{this is a postscript} \begin{newlfm} This is an imaginary letter. This is the second paragraph of the letter. \end{newlfm} \end{document}
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