datatool v3.0: I'm sorry there were some files missing from the upload. I have uploaded v3.0.1 but if you are in a hurry, you can download datatool.tds.zip from this site.

5.1 Author and Title Information

The term title page is used to indicate the author, title and date information that can appear either on the front cover by itself or along the top of the first page of text. In order to do this, you must first specify the information. Once this information has been specified it can then be displayed.

The author, title and date are entered using the commands:

\author{<author names>}
\title{<title text>}
\date{<document date>}

The KOMA-Script classes also define:

\titlehead{<Title heading>}

[The style of document titles]All these title-related commands only store information, they don't actually display anything. These commands can be put in the preamble. With most classes, you will typically need to use at least \author and \title.

Once you have used these commands, you can then display the information using the command:


This command should be placed where you want the title page to appear, which is normally at the start of the document environment.

Note that if you don't use the \date command, the current date will be inserted. If you want no date to appear, you need to specify an empty argument:


Multiple authors should be separated by the command \and. For example:

\author{A. Jones\\University of Somewhere \and
B. Smith\\University of Somewhere Else}

Within these titling fields, you can also use the command:


which produces a special type of footnote. For example:

\title{A Great Project\thanks{funded by XYZ}}

Note that the footnote marker produced using \thanks is considered to have zero width, so if it occurs in the middle of a line, rather than the end, you will need to insert some extra space using \␣ (backslash space). The argument of \thanks is a moving argument.

Exercise 8: Creating Title Pages

Try editing the document you modified in Exercise 7 to include title information. Modifications are illustrated in bold like this:



\title{A Simple Document}



This is a simple \LaTeX\␣document.
Here is the first paragraph.

Here is the second paragraph\footnote{with a footnote}.
As you can see it's a rather short paragraph, but not
as short as the previous one. This document was
created on: \today\␣at \currenttime.

 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Expenditure}\\
 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Year1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Year2}\\
\bfseries Travel & 100,000 & 110,000\\
\bfseries Equipment & 50,000 & 60,000


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