9.1 In-Line Mathematics
In-line mathematics is created using the math environment. (Note U.S. spelling -- “math” not “maths”).
It's somewhat cumbersome having to type
{math} and \end
{math} and it also
makes the source code a little difficult to read so there
are shorthand notations that can be used instead:
\( is equivalent to \begin
{math} and
\) is equivalent to \end
{math}. So
the example above can be rewritten:
There is an even shorter notation:
The special character $ is equivalent
to both \begin
{math} and \end
This is considerably easier to type and to read, but you need to make sure that all your $ symbols have matching pairs. The above code will look like:
The other advantage in using $ over \( and \) is that $ is a robust command, whereas \( and \) are fragile commands and will need to be protected if they occur in a moving argument.
Note: you should always make sure you are in maths mode to typeset any variables (such as , , ), as this will ensure that the correct maths fonts are used, as well as the appropriate spacing. Similarly, don't use $ as a short cut for an italic font.
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