% Encoding: UTF-8 @abbreviation{markup-XML, short = {XML}, long = {extensible markup language} } @abbreviation{markup-HTML, short = {HTML}, long = {hypertext markup language} } @number{gamma, name = {\ensuremath{\gamma}}, description = {Euler's constant} } @number{pi, name={\ensuremath{\pi}}, description={Archimedes' constant} } @number{zeta3, name={\ensuremath{\zeta(3)}}, description={Apéry's constant} } @indexplural{example} @indexplural{matrix,plural={matrices}} @index{zebra, description={African wild horse with black and white stripes} } @index{aardvark, description={African mammal with tubular snout and long tongue} } @index{matriculate, description={enrol or be enrolled at a college or university} } @index{zither, description={type of stringed musical instrument} } @entry{metal-lead, name = {lead}, description={heavy metal that's soft and malleable with a low melting point}, symbol={Pb} } @entry{metal-tin, name = {tin}, description={soft, silvery metal with a faint yellow hue}, symbol={Sn} } @entry{metal-zirconium, name={zirconium}, description={grey-white, strong transition metal}, symbol={Zr} } @symbol{card-spade, name={\ensuremath{\spadesuit}}, description={spade (card suit)} } @symbol{card-heart, name={\ensuremath{\heartsuit}}, description={heart (card suit)} } @symbol{card-club, name={\ensuremath{\clubsuit}}, description={club (card suit)} } @symbol{card-diamond, name={\ensuremath{\diamondsuit}}, description={diamond (card suit)} }