% Encoding: UTF-8 @preamble{"\providecommand{\Beta}{B} \providecommand{\Digamma}{F} \providecommand{\Eta}{H} \providecommand{\omicron}{o} \providecommand{\Omicron}{O} \providecommand{\Kappa}{K} \providecommand{\mtx}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \providecommand{\sortart}[2]{#1 #2}"} @symbol{alpha, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\alpha}}, description = {angular acceleration} } @symbol{beta, topic = {statistical mechanics}, name = {\ensuremath{\beta}}, description = {thermodynamic beta} } @symbol{Beta, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\Beta(x,y)}}, description = {Euler beta function} } @symbol{Gamma, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\Gamma(n)}}, description = {gamma function} } @symbol{gamma, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\gamma}}, description = {Lorentz factor} } @symbol{Delta, topic = {operators}, name = {\ensuremath{\Delta}}, description = {Laplace operator} } @symbol{delta, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\delta}}, description = {Kronecker delta} } @symbol{epsilon, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\epsilon}}, description = {small positive quantity} } @symbol{Digamma, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\Digamma}}, description = {digamma function} } @symbol{zeta, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\zeta(s)}}, description = {Riemann zeta function} } @symbol{Eta, topic = {statistical mechanics}, name = {\ensuremath{\Eta(t)}}, description = {Boltzmann's \ensuremath{\Eta}-Theorem} } @symbol{eta, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\eta}}, description = {refractive index} } @symbol{Theta, topic = {finance}, name = {\ensuremath{\Theta}}, description = {Theta decay} } @symbol{thetai, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\theta_i}}, description = {\sortart{the $i$th}{statistical model parameter}} } @symbol{theta, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\vec{\theta}}}, description = {\sortart{the}{vector of statistical model parameters}} } @symbol{vartheta, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\vartheta(x)}}, description = {first Chebyshev function} } @symbol{iota, topic = {set theory}, name = {\ensuremath{\iota}}, description = {inclusion map} } @symbol{Kappa, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\Kappa}}, description = {Kappa number} } @symbol{kappa, topic = {geometry}, name = {\ensuremath{\kappa}}, description = {curvature} } @symbol{Lambda, topic = {linear algebra}, name = {\ensuremath{\mtx{\Lambda}}}, description = {diagonal matrix of eigenvalues} } @symbol{lambda, topic = {linear algebra}, name = {\ensuremath{\lambda}}, description = {\sortart{an}{eigenvalue}} } @symbol{mu, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\mu(n)}}, description = {M\"obius function} } @symbol{nu, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\nu}}, description = {kinematic viscosity} } @symbol{Xi, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\Xi}}, description = {Riemann's original xi-function} } @symbol{xi, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\xi(s)}}, description = {Riemann's xi-function} } @symbol{Omicron, topic = {asymptotic notation}, name = {\ensuremath{\Omicron}}, description = {big O notation} } @symbol{omicron, topic = {asymptotic notation}, name = {\ensuremath{\omicron}}, description = {small o notation} } @symbol{Pi, topic = {biology}, name = {\ensuremath{\Pi}}, description = {osmotic pressure} } @symbol{pi, topic = {geometry}, name = {\ensuremath{\pi}}, description = {Archimedes' constant} } @symbol{varpi, topic = {fluid dynamics}, name = {\ensuremath{\varpi}}, description = {angular frequency} } @symbol{rho, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\rho}}, description = {density} } @symbol{Sigma, topic = {statistics}, name = {\ensuremath{\mtx{\Sigma}}}, description = {covariance matrix} } @symbol{sigma, topic = {statistics}, name = {\ensuremath{\sigma}}, description = {standard deviation} } @symbol{tau, topic = {mechanics}, name = {\ensuremath{\tau}}, description = {torque} } @symbol{Upsilon, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\Upsilon}}, description = {upsilon meson} } @symbol{upsilon, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\upsilon}}, description = {frequency} } @symbol{Phi, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\Phi}}, description = {magnetic flux} } @symbol{phi, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\phi}}, description = {\sortart{the}{golden ratio}} } @symbol{chi, topic = {graph theory}, name = {\ensuremath{\chi}}, description = {chromatic number} } @symbol{Psi, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\Psi}}, description = {water potential} } @symbol{psi, topic = {functions}, name = {\ensuremath{\psi^{(m)}(z)}}, description = {polygamma function} } @symbol{Omega, topic = {quantities}, name = {\ensuremath{\Omega}}, description = {\sortart{the}{omega constant}} } @symbol{omega, topic = {physics}, name = {\ensuremath{\omega}}, description = {angular velocity} }