Smile for the Camera: a new cybercrime short story ebook.

8.2 Themes

The appearance of the slides is governed by themes. There are five types of theme:

  1. Presentation

    A presentation theme governs the whole appearance of the presentation. A presentation theme is chosen with:


  2. Color

    A color theme governs the presentation's colour scheme. A color theme is chosen with:


  3. Font

    A font theme governs the presentation's fonts or font attributes. A font theme is chosen with:


  4. Inner

    An inner theme governs the appearance of elements that are considered “inside” a frame. (For example, the appearance of theorems or list items.) An inner theme is chosen with:


  5. Outer

    An outer theme governs the appearance of elements outside a frame. (For example, the headlines or footlines or whether there is a sidebar.) An outer theme is chosen with:


The examples above used the default presentation theme. There are a large number of themes to choose from. The rest of this section shows a selection of these themes. The selection is partly influenced by my own preferences, but partly by how well they appear in grey scale for the printed version of this book.

Example 43. Presentation Themes (Boadilla)




\title{Culinary Experimental Research}
\subtitle{Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates}
\author[Canary and Zebra]{Mabel Canary\inst{1} \and Zöe Zebra\inst{2}}
\date[Mar'14]{22nd March 2014}
\institute[SLES \& DSC]{\inst{1}Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff\\
  University of Somewhere\and
  \inst{2}Department of Stripy Confectioners\\
  College of Somewhere Else


\section{Experimental Research}

  \frametitle{Mind-Controlling Cookies}

    \item Self-raising flour;
    \item Butter;
    \item Chocolate chips;
    \item Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

This document uses the Boadilla presentation theme. The resulting slides are shown in Figures 8.8 and 8.9. This theme puts the author names, affiliations, title and date in the footline. You can download or view this document.

In the above example, if


is changed to


then the resulting slides have a green colour scheme with a headline (shown in Figures 8.10 and 8.11).

Figure 8.8: Boadilla Theme (Title Slide)

Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are in blue, with the title in a larger font. The title information is horizontally centred on the page.

Culinary Experimental Research

Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates

Mabel Canary1 Zöe Zebra2

1Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
University of Somewhere
2Department of Stripy Confectioners
College of Somewhere Else

22nd March 2014

Image of sample logo

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

Bottom line of slide: Canary and Zebra (SLES & DSC) [white text on purple background] Culinary Experimental Research [white text on pale purple background] Mar'14 1/2 [black text on paler purple background]

End of Image.

Figure 8.9: Boadilla Theme


Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are on the top left of the page in a blue font. The title is in a larger font than the subtitle. A sans-serif font is used. The block is in a rectangle with rounded corners and a drop shadow effect. The block title is in a blue font on a pale purple horizontal strip. Inside the block on a paler purple background, the itemized list uses a blue ball with a white dot for a 3D effect as the item marker.

Mind-Controlling Cookies



  • Self-raising flour;
  • Butter;
  • Chocolate chips;
  • Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

Bottom line of slide: Canary and Zebra (SLES & DSC) [white text on purple background] Culinary Experimental Research [white text on pale purple background] Mar'14 2/2 [black text on paler purple background]

End of Image.

Figure 8.10: EastLansing Theme (Title Slide)

Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are in blue, with the title in a larger font. The title information is horizontally centred on the page. The title and subtitle are in a filled pale green rectangle with rounded corners. The top line of the slide has a filled dark green rectangle on the left and a filled light green rectangle on the right.

Culinary Experimental Research

Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates

Mabel Canary1 Zöe Zebra2

1Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
University of Somewhere
2Department of Stripy Confectioners
College of Somewhere Else

22nd March 2014

Image of sample logo

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

Bottom line of slide: Canary and Zebra (SLES & DSC) [light text on a dark green background] Culinary Experimental Research [dark green text on light green background] Mar'14 1/2 [dark green text on paler green background]

End of Image.

Figure 8.11: EastLansing Theme


Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are on the top left of the page in a blue font. The title is in a larger font than the subtitle. The title and subtitle are inside a filled light green rectangle. A sans-serif font is used. The block title is in a blue font. The itemized list uses a blue ball with a white dot for a 3D effect as the item marker.

Top row: Experimental Research [light text on a dark green background] Cookies [dark green text on a light green background]

Mind-Controlling Cookies



  • Self-raising flour;
  • Butter;
  • Chocolate chips;
  • Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

Bottom line of slide: Canary and Zebra (SLES & DSC) [light text on a dark green background] Culinary Experimental Research [dark green text on pale green background] Mar'14 2/2 [dark green text on paler green background]

End of Image.

The Montpellier theme shows the sectioning information as a tree in the headline (see Figures 8.12 and 8.13) or there's the Goettingen theme that has a sidebar with a table of contents (see Figures 8.14 and 8.15).

Figure 8.12: Montpellier Theme (Title Slide)

Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are in light purple, with the title in a larger font. The title information is horizontally centred on the page.

[light purple horizontal rule]

Culinary Experimental Research

[light purple horizontal rule]

Culinary Experimental Research

Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates

Mabel Canary1 Zöe Zebra2

1Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
University of Somewhere
2Department of Stripy Confectioners
College of Somewhere Else

22nd March 2014

Image of sample logo

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

End of Image.

Figure 8.13: Montpellier Theme


Image of a slide. The top of the page has a section navigation tree bounded above and below by pale purple horizontal lines. The title and subtitle are on the top left of the page below the navigation tree in a pale purple font. The title is in a larger font than the subtitle. A sans-serif font is used. The block title is in a pale purple font. The itemized list uses a blue right pointing filled triangle as the item marker.

[light purple horizontal line]

Culinary Experimental Research
└ Experimental Research
  └ Cookies

[light purple horizontal line]

Mind-Controlling Cookies



  • Self-raising flour;
  • Butter;
  • Chocolate chips;
  • Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

End of Image.

Figure 8.14: Goettingen Theme (Title Slide)

Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are in blue-purple, with the title in a larger font. The title information is horizontally centred on the main (left) area of the page. There's a narrow light purple vertical side bar on the right of the page.

Culinary Experimental Research

Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates

Mabel Canary1 Zöe Zebra2

1Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
University of Somewhere
2Department of Stripy Confectioners
College of Somewhere Else

22nd March 2014

Image of sample logo

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

[side panel on the right]
Culinary Experimental Research

Canary and Zebra



End of Image.

Figure 8.15: Goettingen Theme


Image of a slide. The right hand side of the page has a narrow pale purple vertical side bar. The title and subtitle are on the top left of the main part of the page in a blue-purple font. The title is in a larger font than the subtitle. A sans-serif font is used. The block title is in a blue-purple font. The itemized list uses a blue right pointing filled triangle as the item marker.

Mind-Controlling Cookies



  • Self-raising flour;
  • Butter;
  • Chocolate chips;
  • Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

[side panel on the right]
Culinary Experimental Research

Canary and Zebra



End of Image.

You can mix a presentation theme with the other types of themes. For example, if I replace the line


from Example 43 with


then the result is as shown in Figures 8.16 and 8.17.

Figure 8.16: Goettingen Presentation Theme with rounded Inner Theme and spruce Color Theme (Title Slide)

Image of a slide. The title and subtitle are in a dark green font, with the title in a larger font. The title and subtitle are inside a pale green rectangle with rounded corners and a drop shadow effect. The title information is horizontally centred on the main (left) area of the page. There's a narrow light purple vertical side bar on the right of the page.

Culinary Experimental Research

Mind-Controlling Cookies and Exploding Chocolates

Mabel Canary1 Zöe Zebra2

1Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
University of Somewhere
2Department of Stripy Confectioners
College of Somewhere Else

22nd March 2014

Image of sample logo

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

[side panel on the right]
Culinary Experimental Research

Canary and Zebra



End of Image.

Figure 8.17: Goettingen Presentation Theme with rounded Inner Theme and spruce Color Theme


Image of a slide. The right hand side of the page has a narrow pale purple vertical side bar. The title and subtitle are on the top left of the main part of the page in a dark green font. The title is in a larger font than the subtitle. The title and subtitle are inside a pale green rectangle. A sans-serif font is used. The block title is in a blue-purple font. The itemized list uses a blue ball with a white spot to create a 3D effect as the item marker. The block is inside a white rectangle with rounded corners and a drop shadow effect.

Mind-Controlling Cookies



  • Self-raising flour;
  • Butter;
  • Chocolate chips;
  • Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet.

Small navigation links on the right hand side of the page.

[side panel on the right]
Culinary Experimental Research

Canary and Zebra



End of Image.

This book is also available as A4 PDF or 12.8cm x 9.6cm PDF or paperback (ISBN 978-1-909440-07-4).

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